April 2020
The Wallace Center recently launched a new national listserv – the Food Systems Leadership Network COVID-19 Response Group. This listserv, unique among the many opportunities we as food systems leaders have to connect and share information and resources, is focused specifically on identifying, amplifying, and replicating the solutions, innovations, and collaborations that are emerging in communities across the US in response to and in the wake of COVID-19. We hope it will be a dynamic venue for exploring and acting on our best ideas for driving resilience and equity in our communities, and be a platform for organizing around needed resources, policy shifts, collaborations, or other actions.
The Wallace Center created this listserv in response to requests for connection and resource sharing at the 2020 National Good Food Network Conference in New Orleans, LA March 10-13, right as the pandemic was taking hold in the US. As part of our commitment to convening this virtual space, we will distill the learnings and insights from threads and conversations, share these back to listserv members, and serve as a conduit to inform other key food system partners including funders, the USDA, policymakers, and other national support organizations.
Who the listserv is for:
This listserv is for organizations and individuals working across the value chain to develop resilient and equitable food systems that generate good food, health, and opportunity for all. It is an online space to engage in candid, generative, and open exchange of ideas and innovative solutions in response to the impact of COVID-19 in our communities and on our work.
How to join:
You can sign up for the FSLN COVID-19 Response Group via this short form. Our team will upload emails to the Google Group every 24 hours, so there will be a delay between when you sign up and when you are officially part of the listserv. Thank you for your patience during that turnaround. Once you are registered, you will receive a welcome message with administrative guidance and community guidelines.
Other resources:
There are numerous other valuable listservs with specific technical content areas and we want to be mindful of not duplicating these active communication channels and networks. To engage in a specific topic related to direct-to-consumer markets, food hubs, food policy councils, or farmers’ groups please visit the other topical listservs: